Including Public API Services in my Sensor Data

In the post "Visualizing My Sensor Data", I explained how I publish sensor readings to specific MQTT topics in the format home/room/sensorname/mesurementType and Node-RED converts these to InfluxDB line protocol format before writing to a local instance of Telegraf, which is configured automatically as per "Telegraf in Continuous Deployment" to a Telegraf gateway as explained in "Using A Telegraf Gateway" eventually to populate multiple InfluxDB databases.

It might be a bit over-engineered, but it provides me flexibility and a positive user experience. What I mean by this is that the sensor reporting stack is industrialized, and all I need to concern myself with now is adding values into the correct topics for them to reach the correct destination within seconds. So what I have is an automated, resilient, self-healing automation pipeline. It can almost be thought of as API-first SDN, which has really been a subject of interest and an aspiration in the back-of-my-mind for many years!

Now I'm in a position to claim that I'm happy with my automation pipeline, there need to be quick wins to prove the benefit of this level of automation

Target Temperature is what I have my British Gas Hive thermostat set to. Outside Temperature is what the DarkSky public API tells me is the temperature at my location.

 The Temperature cell integrates this nicely with all my room-based Zigbee temperature sensors

DarkSky will also report a now & next forecast. If I import those as strings, InfluxDB can show me a tabular view of them

Broadband Speed is what Speedtest tells me. I can easily see upload and download speeds, both historically and in the past 10 minutes.

I wonder what other public services I should connect to, to drag back and visualize data from?


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