Using A Telegraf Gateway

All my servers and sensors will be visualized in InfluxDB. They can all write directly into my local instance of InfluxDB OSS, but I also want to be able to write to remote instances, such as Influx Cloud. To do this, there are some limitations:

  • Influx Cloud can only accept HTTP ingest. Any UDP messages will be dropped before they get through the Internet
  • Usernames and passwords might change, so I will need to edit every Telegraf configuration file on every machine on my LAN
  • Access tokens might change over time (especially as I migrate to Influx Cloud v2), so I will need to edit every Telegraf configuration file on every machine on my LAN
  • Cloud services might be protected by IP address, so I might need to open multiple holes in firewalls.
  • If I write to InfluxDB with anything other than Telegraf, I will need to worry about batching them myself, adding jitter to decrease the possibility of LAN overload, etc.

If I can collate all my updates into one place, all the adminitration of the points above goes away.

Therefore, having an interstitial instance of Telegraf, a Telegraf Gateway, is a good solution. I'll need to do some things:
  1. Install a container for Telegraf
  2. Enable telegraf inputs for UDP & HTTP
  3. Enable telegraf outputs for wherever I'll be writing my data

So, I need to create a configuration for my telegraf gateway.

Telegraf reads default configurations from /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf and /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/filenames.conf, so let's create these:


  interval = "10s"  
  round_interval = true  
  metric_batch_size = 1000  
  metric_buffer_limit = 10000  
  collection_jitter = "3s"  
  flush_interval = "10s"  
  flush_jitter = "5s"  
  precision = ""  
  debug = false  
  quiet = false  
  logfile = "/var/log/telegraf/telegraf.log"  
  logfile_rotation_interval = "0d"  
  logfile_rotation_max_size = "1MB"  
  logfile_rotation_max_archives = 5  
  hostname = ""  


 # Influx HTTP write listener  
  service_address = ":8086"  
  read_timeout = "10s"  
  write_timeout = "10s"  
  max_body_size = "500MiB"  
  max_line_size = "64KiB"  
  database_tag = "bucket_name"  
Note the use of database_tag = "bucket_name" in the config above. When I write directly to the HTTP endpoint, I select a database to write to. This can't be lost, so Telegraf stores it in "bucket_name = myDatabaseName". f course, I don't want that sent as a tag to InfluxDB, because it'll incrase my cardinality for no purpose, so the output configuration will need to remove it.


  service_address = "udp://:8089"  


 # Local InfluxDB  
  urls = ["http://ip_address_of_local_InfluxDB_server:8086"]  
  database_tag = "bucket_name"  
  exclude_database_tag = true  
 # SE Cloud  
  urls = ["https://FQDN_of_Influx_Cloud:8086"]  
  database = "database_name_to_write_to"  
  username = "my_username"  
  password = "my_password"  
  timeout = "30s"  
 # Cloud 2 instance  
  urls = ["https://FQDN_of_Influx_Cloud_2"]  
  token = "The_Token_Generated_within_Influx_Cloud_2"  
  organization = "my_registered_email_address_on_Influx_Cloud_2"  
  bucket = "my_bucket_to_write_to"  

As this is a LXC container, and I want to monitor all my containers, I should add a set of OS monitoring configurations. I shouldn't enable SMART monitoring or temperature monitoring, as those should come from the underlying server on which I'm running the container


 # Read metrics about disk usage by mount point  
 # Read metrics about cpu usage  
  ## Whether to report per-cpu stats or not  
  percpu = true  
  ## Whether to report total system cpu stats or not  
  totalcpu = true  
  ## If true, collect raw CPU time metrics.  
  collect_cpu_time = false  
  ## If true, compute and report the sum of all non-idle CPU states.  
  report_active = false  


 # Read metrics about disk usage by mount point  
  ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"]  
 # Read metrics about disk IO by device  


 # Collect statistics about itself  
  ## If true, collect telegraf memory stats.  
  collect_memstats = true  


  # no configuration  


 # Read metrics about memory usage  
  # no configuration  


 # Read metrics about network interface usage  


 # Get the number of processes and group them by status  
  # no configuration  


 # Read metrics about swap memory usage  
  # no configuration  


 # Read metrics about system load & uptime  
  ## Uncomment to remove deprecated metrics.  
  # fielddrop = ["uptime_format"]  

So now Telegraf will write to all three of my outputs, collating data from all three of the types of input I have (Telegraf, HTTP custom endpoint, UDP).

This is what it looks like in Chronograf, showing a system view:


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