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Projects Update for August

Suddenly, August appeared! If I don't write down what I've done and what I've learned, I'm going to forget! So, this is an update for my projects, to see whether the list of projects is now smaller, or whether it's even longer than it was 3 weeks ago! Network Infrastructure My A300GC motherboard has a new case & PSU. I've installed OPNSense on it, to become a router. I contacted BT about replacing my Ultrafast Hub with a G.FAST cable modem, but they said no. The cheap hubs on ebay that can be used in bridge mode aren't actually G.FAST, so I won't be able to use one of those. G.FAST modems on ebay begin at £150, with most of them around £250, and that's a lot of money to sink into something that I want to do initially as a test and comparison against an already-working installation, so I need to think more about this, and whether double-NAT will kill everything. Server Setup My previous post details my servers and their appropriate us...

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